Keith Miller grew up in a strict Amish home in Indiana until discovering the freedom of an independent relationship with Jesus Christ. As a bull rider, he met his wife Natalie and together, they have a daughter Gracelyn and have settled in Westport, Indiana. Keith retired from the sport a few years ago to focus on building his family and his business, K & N Builders and eventually took over his father’s spray insulation business. As his faith continued to grow, he became more involved in his church, starting a weekly prayer meeting and eventually becoming a deacon. At the same time, God was stirring in him a need to do more in missions. Keith, with full support of Natalie, decided to start riding bulls again but this time, to start leading cowboy church and to let God use his role as a bull rider to build closer relationships with the bull riders in order to be able to share the gospel and minister to them. Keith mostly leads cowboy church at Southern Extreme Bull Riding Association ( SEBRA ) events but will go wherever God sends him and opportunities present to share the gospel.

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