Behind the Bucking Chutes

Behind the Bucking Chutes is where cowboy church usually takes place at a rodeo or bull riding. Here, we give you a growing collection of Biblical devotions or stories meant to help disciple and teach you or help you to become closer to Christ with illustrations and applications drawn from the cowboy and rodeo culture.
Praying for a win

Praying for a win

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

If there’s ever a time when people in the cowboy culture pray, it’s at a rodeo or bull riding before competing. Some pray not to be hurt, some pray to win, some pray for the stock and some just use it as quiet time to talk to God.

The Bible gives us lots of examples of praying to God to meet our needs as well as verses that tell us not to worry; that God will provide.

Matthew 7:11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

When we look at just this verse without context and careful understanding of the power a single word in the verses before it, it sounds like God will give us more than we could dream if we just have faith and ask. It’s a common belief but it comes from not having a more full understanding of God’s word.

Here is the whole section:

Matthew 7:7-11 7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 if you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

The word we need to look at closely: “Seek.”

Seeking means we are looking hard into what it is we should be asking God for. Are we trying to follow His will for our lives? Then we would be seeking what we need to follow His direction for us. Are we looking for ways to share the gospel or love our neighbors as Jesus commands us? Then we would be seeking what we need to accomplish that.

And then we would trust that if our parents, who are flawed compared to God’s greatness, are going to meet our needs, then we trust even more that God will give us what we need.

In James chapter 4, he comes at the issue from a different direction, explaining how it’s our nature to want things for our own, selfish desires to the point it can lead to fights and even murder—something we still see in society today. He explains to us that this is why it sometimes seems like God isn’t giving us what we want.

James 4:3 3You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

It’s okay to want to win the rodeo, but what is our motivation? If we’re digging into what it means to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus, then we should be wanting what Jesus would want us to do or what the Bible teaches us about living out our faith. We know in Scripture that we are meant to live in a way that glorifies God. So how can our win be used to give Him glory or point others to Jesus? It can and if what we pray for lines up with what God wants for us, we could see that win come our way.

And if that win doesn’t come, no matter how hard we were seeking God before we asked for it, then we also trust that our loss, even at a time when we personally needed the money or confidence, is still a better gift than what even our own parents could want for us. It just may take some time to see what God was doing in that moment and we rely on God’s strength to endure what feels like a struggle and trust that everything works together for His good–and we get to be a part of that, even when it feels hard for us.

Sometimes the cheater still comes out ahead

Sometimes the cheater still comes out ahead

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

Sometimes the bad guy wins. There really is a rodeo judge out there that has it in for someone and successfully screws the cowboy over every chance he gets. There really is someone lying and cheating their way to get ahead of you at work. Some of you are victims of crimes in which the person got away with it or the punishment just didn’t seem like enough.

When I get to teach something and it’s one of the ‘difficult’ Bible verses like the one that you’re about to read, I get it. I know it’s easy for me to teach it but it doesn’t mean it’s always any easier for me to live it out when I’m standing there asking you to try.

Romans 12: 19-21 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

This is honestly harder for me to say than you might think because I don’t want to share the bad thoughts as someone who is in a position to teach and minister to you but this is my reality right now: there is someone out there that a small part of me would take satisfaction in taking a swing at with my baseball bat. I’m not joking. And it troubles me that as mature as I would like to be in my faith, that I’m still capable of a thought like this, though I’m grateful and want to be clear it is a small part of me and I would never take that action.

But what it shows about me is that I do get it when I teach verses like this. I’m not asking you guys to do things I either presently find hard or have had a chance to work through myself as I’ve learned more about what’s in the Bible.

It’s hard to see someone get away with evil and be satisfied that God will take care of it when the systems in place fail. But here’s the deal. Adam and Eve decided in the garden they wanted the same knowledge as God and allowed sin to be a part of our world. They wanted to be able to judge for themselves what is right and wrong, rather than leave it to God. It’s a natural part of being human but as Christians, we’re made new and meant to be becoming more like Jesus and less like our old selves.

When we’re dealing with Christians who do wrong to others, there are several Biblical responses to that including church discipline e and a process to make the situation right. A Christian who is truly saved would want to follow these steps, particularly ones laid out in Matthew 18:15-20.

For non-believers, there are two outcomes for someone who has done evil to you, they will repent through God’s grace and mercy

or they will face God’s judgement and spend eternity in hell.

I have a hard time taking comfort or being at peace with someone who has wronged me enough to want to hit them with a bat, suffering for eternity in hell when I know I’ve been forgiven of my wrongs and received God’s grace and mercy through Jesus’s death and resurrection and my own repentance and saving faith in him.

Right now, I’m also having a hard time with the idea of showing kindness to the people who have done evil but they deserve the shot at salvation I received and while they haven’t received the justice that I would hope for them, they don’t find Jesus the lord of their life, hell is the reality they face.

While those verses in Romans are not teaching this, while I continue to wrestle with God’s direction for me to repay evil with kindness, what I can do in the meantime is follow other Biblical teaching that directs us to treat others with kindness so that they could come to saving faith in Jesus.

It doesn’t take away my responsibility to work through these verses and adopt them into how I approach the evil that we do in this world, but it does provide a positive outcome that can impact the world around us for Jesus.

How we handle false prophets

How we handle false prophets

The following was written to help us understand false prophets in response to false ideas that the cowboy community, among thousands of others, were sharing at the time of the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse, centered around End Times prophecy and the United States’ connection to it.

By Will Brunke / Cowboys of the Cross

Prophecy. Who gets it, right?

Ironically, the answer is inside the question that was a poor attempt at dry humor. History tells us that modern interpretation of prophecy is akin to a complicated and entangled ball of yarn. Even the best of us can find that tugging on a single string in earnest opens up a realm of confusion that seems delivered to us by Hollywood’s newest multi-verse-themed blockbuster.

It’s true. New Testament prophecy is an elusive concept to biblical scholars today much like the Theory of Relativity once was to scientists. There are competing attempts to define New Testament prophecy and make it fit into a neat, clean, square little box –like we humans love to do. Typically, the main competing theories of how prophesy works fall into five main categories such as;

Inspired exegesis (interpretation)

Pastoral exhortation (preaching)

Exposition (proclamation of the Gospel)

Inspired thoughts (inner divine voice)

Mediation (spirits speaking native tongue of the spectator)

STOP!! We get it, it’s complicated!

Don’t worry, this is as far as we will go on “diving deep” into prophecy.

So why are we here then? What are you getting at, Will? The important thing to grasp is the lack of reconciliation between the five or how they fit together. But any of the five can be identified in the New Testament. The real danger for us today is that there are voids of ambiguity between these five groups where evil can set up shop, lurk, and look to devour the undisciplined.

There’s no secret that we are surrounded by false teachers and spiritual warfare. It has become so apparent in today’s society, that even a “prophet” who has a low-percentage track record of accurate predictions can still wield a huge amount of clout and influence.

Why? It is only because the “prophet”, (profiteer would be the better word) knows his/her consumer and is ready to supply their audience with the desired product of their hearts, feeding into what they want to hear. Corrupt hearts, that is. In today’s day and age, the desire for specifically obsequious and self-serving content is chosen at a far greater margin than content centered in truth and holding to account.

A heart truly given to Jesus, even in the infantile stages of faith, should be able to distinguish and want to question why a prophesied event did not occur. Because God is never wrong and His word and meaning in the Bible never changes. God does not change His plan on the basis of unseen information a ‘prophet’ today comes up with reading into or reinterpreting scripture to fit a scenario while we as humans do.

I could spend hours divulging stories about individuals who I have ministered to or have personal relationships with, who have bought into and supported false prophets.

There are strong parallels between false profits and many other scams that we poke fun at or wonder, “how did that person ever fall for that?” But while our neighbor may have sent $5000 to that imaginary prince in Nigeria, we have given our personal seals of approval by sharing, liking and reposting the latest scripturally untested fad, or bought the newest apocalyptical rhetoric of the latest profiteer of prophecy.

So what’s the solution then, Mr. Smarty-pants? Will, how do we defeat these heretical zealots and send them back to the pits from whence they came? Well, the short and sweet version is we can’t. The Bible affirms they will exist and if you want apocalyptic, end of the world signs, we’re told by Jesus himself in a list of what to watch for near the end that false prophets are what people will follow.

Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.

Earlier, Jesus warns us inMatthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

And Paul encourages Timothy in a letter to him that Timothy needs to stay strong and press on with preaching the gospel because people are going to follow what they want to hear.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

This was a problem 2,000 years ago and it still is. We will never remove from ourselves every wolf in sheep’s clothing just like we will never be totally free from the evil one’s temptations. However, we can each resolve to have a greater impact on our immediate surroundings through Christ and being intentional about learning and then teaching others Biblical truth.

The speed at which technology has enabled us to witness change in our lifetime is unprecedented. But this is still nothing outside of Gods perfect plan. For the Lord has given us powerful tools within our design that transcend time.

One of the best tools He has equipped us with is the value of intimate personal relationships. We are called to cultivate relationships both inside and outside of our marriage, church, and family. How Christians treat their neighbors and how we are seen as innocent as doves yet as shrewd as serpents will open doors for us not only to spread the Gospel and tell others about our Lord Jesus, but it will give others a pause for wisdom and a cause for ears to open to issues of concern that we share in our daily life.

It’s these personal relationships that we can have the most impact with as we minister to those who are frustrated and stumbling, whether in their faith or outside of faith. Used tactfully, conversations can lead and steer a person toward truth and away from chaos. These relationships and therefore the conversations within those relationships take time and attentiveness. It’s no wonder the enemy is trying its best to speed up the mechanism to a near blurry pace.

Keeping your mind on prayer

Keeping your mind on prayer

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

What do you think about the most? What gets most of your attention?

A rodeo cowboy, especially on the roughstock side of the arena, is always thinking about his sport. Where he’s going to enter, what went wrong or right the weekend before. How he’s going to get his fees paid this week. Visualizing bull or bronc ride after bronc ride.

A rancher is always thinking about his stock and operation. How he’s going to finance the new barn. What’s the weather going to be like next week. When does he need to be ready to move the cattle to the summer pastures. What are the prices doing.

More than a lot of work or interests, both of these lifestyles demand we give it much of our time and attention to be successful so our thoughts are never far from it.

That’s what Paul means when he tells us to pray without ceasing.

1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Toward the end of his letter to this church, Paul offers them several sets of instructions in how to conduct themselves in a Christ-like way from trying to do whats right to someone to being thankful even when we might not be feeling grateful for a challenge we’re face.

In that list, he gives us a three-word instruction that sound impossible: pray without ceasing.

How can we possible do this. Even if I didn’t have to fight against my mind wandering after a few minutes of praying, how am I supposed to pray and never stop? How can I always keep my attention on prayer and accomplish any other task at the same time?

But it isn’t about constantly praying to God through every waking moment. Paul wants us to develop a heart for prayer. He wants us to have an attitude that is aware of the opportunities around us to pray so that we are always ready to go to God.

The same way rodeo or ranching takes a lot of our attention, our thoughts about God’s presence should never be far from our minds. Having a thoughtful readiness to pray helps us keep God in the front of our thinking.

We understand through numerous other verses the importance of prayer, the different reasons for praying and how it is much more than just asking God to meet what we think our needs are.

With prayer being so important, Paul wants us to see that we should always be looking for those moments when we can pray.

A person with a heart or attitude toward prayer will find himself just naturally praying in his mind for God to give calm to that nervous barrel racer back for her first time after a wreck that injured her horse. That person will automatically think to pray for the people in the car wreck he passed on the way to the rodeo. The rancher will automatically pray for his wife off and on throughout the day despite the distractions of two calves being born while she starts her new job.

It takes practice, but the more we are intentional about opportunities to pray, the easier it gets to find ourselves always ready to pray.

Sometimes we represent sponsors or our own interests better than we give Jesus

Sometimes we represent sponsors or our own interests better than we give Jesus

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

When a cowboy or bull rider reaches a level where he gets a corporate sponsorship, he works for that sponsor. When we own our own business, we want employees that represent us to the public well and we think twice about how we speak to someone. We take our commitment to our sponsor seriously and we care that he or she or the business is well-represented.

Really, it’s a terrible comparison to how we should represent Jesus and why we should take his instructions to us from the Bible seriously. The sponsorship or business ownership example doesn’t come close to the importance of following Jesus but it at least gets us looking in the right direction.

2 Corinthians 5:20-21 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

To be the righteousness of God means that when we are truly saved through our faith in Jesus and our request for forgiveness through our repentance of sin, that despite our faults, mistakes, failures and sin, God now sees us as perfect, right before Him.

Once we’re saved, we become ambassadors of Jesus, something far more important than representing a brand paying your fees at the PBR and NFR. Jesus paid the penalty for your sin and gave you eternal life. Now we have a chance to both show others how Jesus has changed our lives by making us right with God and to tell them how to receive the same.

We also need to hold tightly to grace because as we try to live like Jesus, God knows we’re going to fail. One of the main points of receiving His grace is not so we can intentionally make mistakes and go on living the way we want to, but because He knows we’re going to blow it. Sometimes it’s privately or seen only by our closest family and friends and sometimes it’s in traffic with our “God is my copilot” bumper sticker there for everyone to see. Sometimes it’s in how we’re speaking to an employee in the lumber store because they ordered the wrong product for you and your job is going to be delayed as your Philippians 4:13 tattoo is showing on your t-shirted arm.

We’re going to blow it.

But are we living like we believe God’s word is true? Are we living like we believe what Jesus did on the cross for each and every one of us is the real deal and that our salvation is real? Do we take him seriously when he commands us to go into the world and tell others about him and teach them now to walk in his ways?

We can’t walk in His ways if he don’t open God’s word in the Bible, pursue the teaching that’s out there or even take time to talk to Him in prayer.

1 John 2:4-6 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5 but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: 6 whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

A lot of us would tell someone we’re a Christian if asked what our ‘religion’ is, but without a life-changing, saving faith in Jesus Christ, it’s the same as what John is saying here, we aren’t really Christians. We may not even understand or realize it. We don’t know we’re lying because we’re lying to ourselves and think we’re going to Heaven. We can’t judge whether someone is saved or not but we can certainly wonder based on how someone chooses to live. If we say we believe in Jesus we should live like we do and want to follow his commandments.

The fact many of us identify as Christians but don’t should rock a lot of us to our core. We take it with so little seriousness that when the day comes that we stand before God and are denied the kingdom of Heaven, there is no excuse. Right here, right now, if you’re reading this and don’t know if you’re saved or not, one sign is whether or not how you live your life lines up with what John is saying. John walked with Jesus. I think we should take his words seriously even if it was 2,000 years ago.

Temporary happiness can come from a buckle, eternal joy comes from God

Temporary happiness can come from a buckle, eternal joy comes from God

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

It’s pretty common in the culture around us that people pursue what makes them happy. Half the advertisements on tv are showing people being made happy driving expensive trucks or using the latest phone upgrades.

We tell ourselves to chase our dreams or that we only have one life to live, so we should do whatever we need to make us happy.

We should cut loose the people who make us unhappy. We should surround ourselves with people who help us make our dreams come true.

It isn’t that God wants us to be unhappy, but these are lies that take our focus off of Him.

Matthew 6:19-21 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Verse 21 in particular makes it clear that what we chase reveals what we value the most—the pursuit of worldly happiness that is temporary and easily taken from us or destroyed, or the hope of eternal joy in Heaven.

It’s okay to have goals. How we work to achieve them can be done in a way that points people to Jesus and brings God glory. But when our happiness depends on winning a buckle at a rodeo finals or qualifying for the PBR and we don’t achieve that goal, it can be devastating for some of us.

And cutting people loose who we think hold us back from our dreams isn’t as Biblical as surrounding ourselves with mature Christians who can help us grow more like Jesus while working to restore broken relationships and pointing others to Jesus.

God isn’t asking us to be miserable in our time here. He knows there are going to be plenty times where we face challenges and hardships. He gives us teaching and encouragement in the Bible to help us get through those difficult times.

And He created what we call the fruit of the Spirit which are attributes that grow inside of us that show us our salvation is real as we become more and more like Jesus.

Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Joy, as one of those fruits, can still be a temporary feeling but it’s something that can get stronger in us each time we feel it and it is largely tied to seeing and interacting with the world through our understanding of who we are as Christians and what the Bible teaches us.

Joy is much deeper than happiness and while there will be times we feel sadness, joy can always be found when we turn our attention to God and all the good that waits for us in Heaven. Pursuing joy brings glory to God while pursuing happiness is all about ourselves.

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

A rodeo producer needs people with different skills, God gives us all different skills to use for Him

A rodeo producer needs people with different skills, God gives us all different skills to use for Him

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

Auctioneers, book keepers, back pen workers, truck drivers. Those are just a few of the people needed to get the cattle onto the sales arena floor and back out the door in someone’s stock trailer for a sales barn to be successful.

Judges, secretaries, back pen workers and truck drivers. Those are just a few of the people needed to get the stock loaded in the chutes and the rodeo off the ground for a successful event to be held.

To larger or smaller degrees, each person already has specialized skills or has to be trained to fill each roll but together, they all play a part in the event being able to come together.

We may not see how it all fits together, but for Christians, we all have a role to play in what we know as The Great Commission, where Jesus commanded us to tell others about him and to teach those who choose to believe and follow him.

1 Corinthians 12:12-20 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, …18 But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

This is just one of several sets of verses that show how we have different strengths and gifts. Those gifts together still make up the body of Christ, who we all are as believers, and how we all work together for God’s purpose.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

With a saving faith in Jesus through his death on the cross for us, we are then given work to do that God has prepared for us. We know the biggest part of that is to tell others about Jesus while also helping other believers to grow in our faith. Each of us has been given different strengths that God will then use as we go into the world to serve and minister to others in the places God places us.

Together, all our strengths and gifts work to accomplish the ‘good works’ that God has prepared for us to do as Paul mentions in Ephesians. Just like it takes a team to run a successful day at the sales barn, God uses us all together for His purpose.

Pointing to the sky glorifies God when we see Him in everything we do

Pointing to the sky glorifies God when we see Him in everything we do

By Scott HIlgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

Without a Christian worldview, we’re going to struggle with how to glorify God in everything we do.

In a rodeo arena, you occasionally see a roughstock rider take a knee and point to God. Sometimes it’s only if he wins, sometimes it’s every situation that lets him get back on his feet. On the roping end, the cowboy will point to the sky after a good catch.

On the surface, these are ways the rodeo cowboy is giving glory to God but for many of us, aside from using “glory to God” as a hashtag on a social media post when something great has happened, those are the very few ways we openly give God glory.

Romans 11:36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

This is just one of several verses that point us toward the importance of glorifying God through everything we do. In this instance, we are being reminded that nothing we do is accomplished without God.

A worldview comes from our background and the influences we have in our life that shape how we look at the world around us. A parent of young children might be influenced to look for danger all the time that could impact the children. A soldier looks at the world through his training. A horse trainer can find himself making decisions influenced by the cowboy and horse culture and the conservative politics that come with that.

For Christians, the first way we would should filter how we think about what is happening around us and the decisions that we make should be from our understanding of the Bible.

When we spend time learning what’s in the Bible, verses like this will begin to affect our worldview: Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

This verse shows what a Christian worldview toward work looks like. We’re supposed to think about God and work in a way that would be pleasing to Him. That in turn will most often be pleasing to our employers, but it’s God who we are thinking of ahead of our employers.

And this view then applies to other parts of our life like how we compete while we’re at a rodeo or a horse show. We put everything into it but we do it in ways we know will please God.

The more we understand what is in the Bible and the more we make an effort to apply it, the more natural it becomes to honor God in everything we do.

Suddenly, that finger point to the sky is just a natural reaction. We begin to look for ways to show others how Jesus has impacted us by how we live our lives in the hopes it creates opportunities to tell others about a saving faith in him.

You wouldn’t leave home without your smart phone but what about your Bible?

You wouldn’t leave home without your smart phone but what about your Bible?

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

If we leave for the rodeo without our cell phone, we’ll run back into the house to get it. If we’re 10 minutes down the road, we’ll turn around. Chances are, we’ll notice we don’t have it before we leave the driveway because we’re going to plug directions into the fairgrounds or arena and use the GPS to either help us find the way or get around any obstacles in our path by letting it route us around a traffic wreck. It alerts us to speed traps while other apps play music or help us keep in touch with our buddies who are on their way to a different event.

It isn’t a cell phone anymore. It’s a smart phone and we’ve come to depend on them to literally help us get through the day.

But how many of us leave the house without our Bible? When we’re 10 minutes down the road and realize it’s still at home, would we turn around to get it?

How about this? Do we even know where our Bible is?

And what about that smart phone in our pocket? There’s an app for almost every version and translation of the Bible out there.

We live in a time when we have more access to God’s word than in any other time of our lives but it’s possible we live in a time when turn to God’s word less than ever.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Before Jesus began to preach and before he called his first disciples, he spent time alone in the wilderness facing temptations from Satan including what he is responding to in this verse. The devil wants him to turn stones into bread but Jesus says he needs more than physical nourishment; he needs God’s word.

We now have an entire Bible that we understand is God’s word to us.

We struggle to get through a day without the apps on our smart phones to help us, but we are starving for God’s word and most of us don’t even know it.

That smart phone now is a way we can ensure we never leave home without our Bible again by making use of the Bible apps that are there. Since we know we won’t forget our phone or will go back for it, then by having an app on the phone, we can know we will always have it with us.

The next step is to make sure we open it up, whether it is opening the app or opening a physical Bible that we keep in our rigging bag.

It can feel overwhelming at first to understand it all, but just reading a small book of the Bible or just reading a few verses is a step toward it getting easier. CowboysOfTheCross.come has tons of Biblical teaching and just like we live in an age where we have access to more Bibles than any other time, we have access to countless sermons and podcasts that can help us to digest God’s word and make sure we are well-fed.

Motivated by a win or by God’s direction

Motivated by a win or by God’s direction

By Scott Hilgendorff / Cowboys of the Cross

What is your motivation when you pray?

In church culture, it’s normal for us to ask how to pray for one another, especially if we’re part of a Bible study or small group. And it’s biblical to do that. The book of Acts is just one place that makes it clear we’re supposed to pray for each other.

But we train ourselves to ask God for our needs without checking our motives and those motives can sometimes get in the way.

James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

We forget that God wants us to give Him glory. We forget that the Bible is full of instructions about putting others first over our own needs. We forget that as Christians, we’re in a process of becoming more like Jesus and less like our selfish selves.

When we pray to win a rodeo, why are we wanting that win? Are we chasing a buckle that we can be proud of or to bring ourselves the glory of the win?

It is totally okay to want these things but a more Biblical perspective is to use our victories to bring attention to God. Talking about our win opens the door to tell others about how we know we couldn’t have done it without God, for example.

And a loss? Same opportunity. Someone will likely come up to you to tell you it was a good effort or to offer some advice on what to do. Any conversation can open the door to turn it to God.

“Man, I just keep asking God to help me get better at keeping my chin tucked and if nothing else, I got that right tonight, so praise Him for even the small things.”

That’s just one way it can look to give God glory.

We can’t know what God’s plan is and praying for that win may not bring it about. If it doesn’t, our motivation still needs to line up with what’s in scripture.

Are my needs for myself because I want that year-end buckle before I retire or do I need this check to help my mom with a medical bill or to put food on the table for my family?

This isn’t to say we shouldn’t tell God what we feel we need.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We’re told not to worry because God is going to take care of us but being thankful for our current circumstances, good or bad, we’re also supposed to tell God what we feel we need.

Then we have to trust that God is going to meet our needs but sometimes it’s the struggle that we need to help us grow and learn to rely on Him.

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